Terms of use

Hostinguz.com undertakes to keep all information such as name, address, phone number and e-mail of its customers using its services and not to share it with anyone except the conditions mentioned in Article 2.

Since Hostinguz.com is subject to binding rules due to its membership in the Telecommunications Authority, it may provide customer information to the Telecommunications Authority and judicial units upon request.

Hostinguz.com does not store your credit card information. This information is transmitted only to the bank using SSL (Secure Connection) during payment, and the payment information returned from the bank is stored.

Hostinguz.com may publish the addresses of the sites it serves and the type of service on its site as a reference, unless the Customer objects. If the customer objects to the publication of the address of his site, this address is removed from the reference list.

Hostinguz.com provides security with an SSL Certificate in sections of the Site that require security, such as payment and membership. Apart from this, it takes all possible software and hardware precautions against malicious virtual attacks.